About our Preschool
Our Aim
- Is to have a happy, stimulating, safe environment, provided by qualified experienced staff, in which preschool children can develop to their full potential.
- Our staff will give your child comfort, a hug or cuddle, if they are distressed, hurt, worried, upset or instigate the need for affection. Our aim is to treat your child as you would, if you were here; we realise the importance of reassuring a distressed child. All our staff are DBS checked (Disclosure and Barring Service) and a minimum of 2 staff are present however few children attend a session.
Mission Statement
- We believe that children benefit most from early years education and care when parents and settings work together in partnership. Our aim is to support parents as their children’s first and most important educators by involving them in their children’s education in the full life of the setting.
A typical day in Preschool
- Our day starts at 8.30 am, the children choose a numbered peg to hang their bags and coats on; this number will be the same as the one they hang their personal towel on. As they enter the playroom they find their name badge to hang on the wall for self registration; then the fun begins.
- The morning is predominately free flow (access to both inside and outside areas) from 8.30 am until 12 noon, within this time we have group circle time (where the children take part in exercises, listen to a story sing rhymes and develop attention and listening skills), small group activities, rolling snack and preparing for lunch.
- Lunch is from 12 noon until 1 pm, where children bring in a packed lunch or are able to order a cooked meal from the adjacent primary school for a small fee.
- For those children who stay until 4 pm , free flow play continues.
Learning & Development
At the centre of what we do at Preschool is to support a child’s learning and development through play and activities which we plan for on a daily basis. We recognise that parents/carers, as a child’s prime educator, have the most important role to play in a child’s learning and therefore by working together in partnership we can ensure that children grow and develop. To see how we achieve this at Beetley, please follow the link.
Working together
What do our families think?
Click the button below to see some comments received from our parents and carers.
Family Feedback
Registered Charity No:1181636