
Beetley & District Preschool is a registered charity run by a volunteer management Committee made up of parents, carers and staff.

The Committee is responsible for employing the Preschool staff, managing finances, ensuring quality standards are met and for fundraising.

We organise a number of events throughout the year including a popular Christmas wreath making evening, a Quiz and Chips night and a Duck Race on the local river.

The Committee meets once a month and parents and carers are welcome to attend.

Current Committee members are:  Charlie Wood (Chair), Laura Cross (Treasurer), Abigail Jenkins (Preschool Manager), Will Wilson (Vice Chair),  Zoe Lawrence (H&S Officer and Fundraising coordinator), Amy Pulfer (Secretary) , Becca Reynolds, Danielle Edwards, Chloe Ott, Laura Harvey.


Registered Charity No: 1181636